Shoghl 3ali is a program that discusses the nature of various professions and the ethics of the job market with a youthful and satirical touch. Featuring genuine journeys of Successful and Influential business leaders.
شغل عالي shoghl 3ali
Shoghl 3ali شغل عالي TV Show
Tv Show produced by Mediology Production from scratch to effectively delivering it on Egyptian channels ( CBC and Channel 1 ) Hosted by our CEO & Founder Dr. Dina Abdelkarim. Shoghl 3lali presents content for the first time in a cross-media manner, as it discusses the issue through more than one media platform: Television, radio, website, and social media, where the program discusses throughout the first season the nature of different professions, such as an accountant, pharmacist, art director, lawyer and other jobsrelated clients